Saraswati and Yamunaji

Brahmani, a matrika, a form of SaraswatiVallabhacharya says, “The naïve Vrajwasis could practise Bhakti easily. But knowledge and awareness too help us understand the value of Bhakti. The confluence of Ganga, Yamunaji and Saraswati at Prayag symbolises that we should create the right sangam of our tendencies too. So let’s reflect on Saraswati’s myriad aspects too.”

Saraswati’s message

Saraswati says, “Yes, I prefer my own company, love the colour white and meditate for long spans of time. O manavas, you revere me as the goddess of knowledge and art. But you can learn a lot from my other aspects too.


Brahma felt lonely because he could make no sense of the formless cosmos. So I, Saraswati, his mind-born daughter created the Sanskrit language, communicated with him through sound and speech and enabled him to create order with my Vedic knowledge. So Brahma called me Vagdevi.


But sadly, Brahma started lusting after me. He created four heads and then a fifth one too so that he could look at me from all directions. So I changed my form into a cow, mare etc and fled. But Brahma took the form of a bull, horse etc. to pursue me. I warned him and said, “Desire is the seed of unhappiness. Use your Vedic knowledge to nurture the spirit. Not to indulge the senses.” I dissuaded him by changing my form a hundred times. But to no avail. Brahma could not control his desire for me. So I got the name of Shatarupa. Finally, I cursed Brahma saying no one will pray to him as he signifies unbridled passion.


But I am Brahmani, the shakti of Brahma and one of the Sapta Matrikas too. Andhaka was wreaking havoc in the cosmos. Cosmic order was at stake. So Shiva created us, the Sapta Matrikas, from Yogeshwari. And Maheshvari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Indrani, Chamunda (also known as Yami) and I, Brahmani used our respective shaktis. We drank Andhaka’s blood before it touched the earth so that Shiva could kill Andhaka.

Saraswati, one of the Ashta-MatrikasO Manavas, you were not yet ready to accept the fact that we symbolise the myriad facets of Prakriti. And in Nature – everything is acceptable and anything is possible. Concepts like cosmic disorder, battles and dissolution were beyond your limited understanding and imagination.

So you created the concept of culture to make sense of the world around you and to protect yourselves. And you chose to believe that we, the Sapta Matrikas represented morally bad qualities.

So to you, Yogeshwari symbolised Kama/desire, Maheshwari – Krodha/anger, Vaishnavi – Lobha/greed, Kaumari – Moha/illusion, Indrani – Matsarya/fault finding, Yami/Chamunda – Pasunya/tale-bearing, Varahi – Asuya/envy and I, Brahmani – Mada/pride.

We understand your limitations. So all we do is smile serenely when you idolize us as caring and protective mothers. You have a lot to learn. But we knew you would delve within the realms of the scriptures someday to accept this reality.


Saraswati, as Rajamatangi, one of the Dasha MahavidyasAs Matangi, the ninth Mahavidya, I am the tantric form of Saraswati. I have a green complexion which signifies my profound knowledge and hold a parrot in my hand to remind you of the value of speech. 

Scholars of the ancient ages offered me leftover or partially eaten food. It symbolised that only the Atma remains when all things perish. But again, you were not yet ready to understand such concepts. So you preferred to see me as a gentle goddess with a lute and a parrot.

But, it’s good that you keep making attempts to grasp the essence of divinity in your own way and at your own pace. Ah yes, even speech can help you connect to your soul. Listen. That is a very good virtue too. Just listen. And do your best to grasp the true meanings of words that you hear. Convert these sounds and words to knowledge and reflect on it.

Use your mind and utter words judiciously. Refrain from labelling people and stereotyping them. Only then can you connect to your soul and the knowledge that lies within you.


Saraswati as Sharda DeviNow look closely at another facet of my swaroop. I do hold the severed head of a goat and a sword in my upper hands. But sacrificing animals will never earn you any merit in any of your many lives.


Look closely at the man standing to my left. He is Vidya. The man of knowledge who holds himself in high esteem because he thinks he knows all there is to know in this world and beyond too. He sways to his right clearly indicating his spiritual inclination, holds a bound set of scriptures in his left hand and asks you to reflect on the knowledge contained in the Vedas with his inward-facing hand.

But I keep reminding him with my bell. He needs to dispel his illusions and conquer his ego first instead of getting carried away by his vast knowledge. The severed goat head in my left palm should serve as a grim reminder to you all too. Knowledge should never nurture your ego. Refrain from making Brahma’s mistake in your lives. Don’t get carried away by the interesting aspects of our divine lives either. Reflect on them. True seekers find several insights in all our divine aspects.


Now, look at the man to my right. He is Gyana. And he sways to his left, holds an unbound set of scriptures in his left hand and shares his insights with Vidya through his right hand. He has gleaned all the insights contained in the Vedas through arduous efforts. But the most profound insight was the simplest of all. He realised that he could nurture wisdom only when he focussed on surviving first.

The sword that I bear in my right hand is not raised in anger. It should sober you to the realities of your lives. You cannot cut away completely from the challenges of your materialistic lives even if you want to. But you can rise above your challenges and cope with them all if you apply the insights that you gleaned from the Vedas and my myriad aspects in your life. Regularly. Consciously.

Saraswati and Lakshmi

And I, Saraswati, can only smile with amusement at your delusions when I tune into your beliefs. Why do you believe that Lakshmi and I can never live in the same house? Does your good sense desert you when you have an abundance of wealth at your disposal?

If it does, then it is time you master the art of striking a balance between your inner and outer worlds. Temper your ego with Yamunaji’s Bhakti. Humility will flow into your lives automatically. And then you will seek Gyan, the wisdom contained in the Vedas. And only after that will you learn to use your wealth. Judiciously. To help others. 

Remember O Manavas, we, Lakshmi, Ganga, Saraswati, Yamuna, Uma, the matrikas et al are different facets of Prakriti. If we can live in perfect harmony – so can you. Yes, there are times when the cosmic order is disrupted. There will be times when someone disrupts the harmony of your soul and blinds you to the ultimate reality too.

But keep pursuing wisdom. Keep applying the insights that you glean religiously in your life. And focus only on regaining your inner balance. As quickly as you can. As often as you can. The rest will pale into insignificance. On its own.”

Yes, Vallabhacharya guides us all in the right direction with his foresight. As usual. Let’s learn from Ganga and Saraswati, nurture Yamunaji’s bhakti and do our best to be humble and wise.   

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