Divya Grandma’s Faith

Temple priestFar far away in a small town, an old woman called Divya lives by herself. Her husband had left her several years back and she has no children of her own. The children of the town call her Divya Grandma.

Whenever their parents spank them, the children run off with tears streaming down their faces to her. And Divya Grandma would leave her work, hug them tightly and wipe their tears with her saree. She would then patiently listen to their woes, give them some sensible advice and a toffee or two to console them. 

Divya Grandma lives a content life. She is happy with her work in the flour mill. She earns enough to survive and even manages to save a bit. But one day, the owner of the flour mill says, “I’m sorry Divya Grandma. But we will be moving to the city after a month. My son has found a good job there. I will return after a couple of years, sell my house and this flour mill too and buy a new house in the city. Here are this month’s wages. Thank you for serving us so loyally for so many years. We will really miss you a lot.”

Divya Grandma is shocked. But she smiles gently at her employer and says, “Thank you, Sire. I hope you enjoy your time with your son. There can be no greater blessing than living with your children. I wish you well.”

The first thing Divya Grandma does when she returns home that day is count the money that she has saved. She realises that she has only Rs.100/- with her. She wonders how she can survive without an income now.

But Divya Grandma has a lot of faith in God. So she decides to visit the temple in their town. The temple priest greets her warmly and says, “You are just in time Divya Grandma. We are about to begin the Purushotham Maas story reading sessions.”

Divya Grandma nods her head. She had forgotten that it was the first day of the Purushotham Maas. She decides to attend the storytelling sessions every day. A couple of days later Divya Grandma finds it difficult to sleep at night. Somehow the story that the priest had narrated that day had set her thinking. He had said, “Whatever you give in charity returns to you manifold during the auspicious Purushotham Maas.”

By the next morning, Divya Grandma has made up her mind. She decides to give all the money she has saved to charity. She finds a few needy women who are older than her outside the temple and gives away all her hard-earned savings without thinking twice. Divya Grandma had nothing to fall back on. Yet she feels very peaceful. Divya Grandma says to herself, “I have enough to eat for one whole month. I have immense faith in Purushotham Bhagawan. I have done my best for him. I’m sure He too will do his best for me.”

15 days pass. 20 days pass. Now Divya Grandma starts worrying about her future. When she goes to the temple to attend the storytelling sessions that evening she asks the priest, “O Mahajan, you said that Purushotham Bhagawan blesses us with abundance if we perform charitable acts during this auspicious month. I believed the story and gave away my hard-earned money to needy women. But Purushotham Bhagawan has not kept his side of the bargain. I am really anxious now. I have just enough food for a week. How will I survive if He lets me down?”

Divya Grandma's faithThe priest looks at her kindly and says, “Don’t you worry Divya Grandma. You have an abundance of faith in God. Where there is faith, there will never be any room for fear. Purushotham Bhagawan never disappoints his devotees. Be patient. Have faith in your faith. All will be well.”

Divya Grandma just nods at the priest in silence. But this is what she says to herself, “I wonder if I have made a mistake by not being practical. I should have spent my time looking for a job instead of visiting the temple every evening. But who will employ me? I am too old for most jobs.” Divya Grandma prays sincerely before she goes to bed that night and says, “O Purushotham Bhagawan, please don’t disappoint me. I have no one else to rely on except you.”

The next couple of days pass as usual. Divya Grandma becomes nervous now. She has no food to eat the next day but goes to the temple to attend the storytelling sessions. But she listens to the story with complete attention. Unfortunately, the minute the session is over, she feels very anxious. She can hear her heart thudding loudly with fear.

She slowly makes her way out of the crowded temple. Lots of people were visiting the temple today because it was the last day of Purushotham Maas. Suddenly she hears a voice, “Divya Grandma. Please wait. I want to tell you something.”

She turns around in surprise to see Ramu, one of the village children calling out to her. Ramu catches up with her quickly. He looks up at the man standing next to him and says, “This is the Divya Grandma I was talking about. She loves all the children of our town. She always gives us a small treat when we cry.”

The man standing next to Ramu says, “I am Ramu’s father – Gopal. I have heard several tales about you from Ramu. O, Grandma. Ramu’s mother has delivered twins this morning. We are looking for a full-time nanny to help her with the newborn babies and also with our household chores. Will you be able to work for us? And live with us too? We will be happy to share our meals with you and I will give you a handsome salary too. Ramu says you have a way with children. And after looking at you – I too feel the same way.”

Divya Grandma can feel the tears flowing down her cheeks. She sends a silent heartfelt prayer to Purushotham Bhagawan for his timely help. Divya Grandma then looks at Ramu and his father and says, “Of course Sire. I will be very happy indeed to work as a nanny for your children. And help with all the chores too. Please give me an hour’s time. I’ll pack my things and come to your house right away.”

Divya Grandma makes her way into the temple again. She stands in front of the idol and says, “Forgive me for doubting you during these testing times, O Purushotham Bhagawan. But I was very scared about my future. So my faith faltered by a bit.”

The temple priest pats Divya Grandma’s shoulders lightly and says, “Always remember O Divya Grandma – where there is faith there is no room for fear.” Divya Grandma nods her head with sobriety and walks out of the temple with immense gratitude in her heart.  

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